Mercado da Arte de Nadal

Next Sunday December 11th I will be at the Calvario’s Market (Vigo) participating one more year, along with a lot of creators, in the Mercado da Arte de Nadal, a local art market in Vigo.

This year, in addition to silkscreen prints, cyanotypes and other editions, I will bring some t-shirts, calendars and a few notebooks that Taller Sáfico has handmade with some woodcuts of mine, and the truth is that they have been very nice.

There will also be some more surprises that I will reveal in the coming days and a lot of activities for children and adults, which can be found in the poster of the event.

Thanks to Notodoelpescadoestávendido for organizing one more year a market as special as this one. See you at the Mercado do Calvario (Vigo) this Sunday December 11 between 11h and 20h.

Do not miss!