The Puzzle is an essentially decorative plastic intervention in which, departing a little from his usual line of work, Peri has proposed a colorful geometric composition. This intervention seeks to interact with the structure itself to intervene, for which he has designed a new geometry for this set of stairs-lift. In a kind of game, the artist has chosen a point from which the different flights of stairs, like a puzzle, fit together.
Its geometric shapes and colors, chosen in relation to the various shades of the environment surrounding the stairs, help to generate a striking composition that stands out and at the same time integrates into the surrounding space. A composition with which Peri seeks to give prominence to the stairs-elevator set and provide a renewed aesthetic line to the set that invites its use and places it as a reference element in its environment.
Intervention carried out as part of the X Contest of Artistic Street Interventions of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, and coordinated by Mardid Streetart Project.