In The Abode Of Destiny Peri presents us with a construction suspended in the air in which buildings and bridges follow one after the other. In this way he generates a complex three-dimensional labyrinth, traversed by bird-headed creatures which, despite the dense and overloaded structure, seem to be floating in the middle of the infinite nothingness.
Like other works by the artist, this ilustration combines the concept of the labyrinth with a direct critique of urban speculation. The vision of this mass of concrete, which suggests a planet ravaged by constructions of which one can only guess at its existence, is awe-inspiring as one enters its intricate bridges and walkways. With The Abode Of Destiny the artist seeks to bring the viewer face to face with the ultimate consequences of filling the planet with buildings and concrete.
The scene is completed by two masked beings who wander through the structure in search of the remains of a devastated nature, and some small characters who represent the duality so often represented in many cultures through yin and yang, heaven and hell, good and evil…., day and night, in the end.