

Cyanotype on Canson Superalfa 250grs paper.
Numbered and signed edition of 17 copies.
25 x 35 cm.

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Mycelium is a cyanotype reproduction made by Peri in the workshops of the Escuela Municipal de Artes y Oficios de Vigo (EMAO). It is a numbered and signed edition of only 17 copies. In it, the artist has used a method of photographic development such as cyanotype to make a series of reproductions of one of his illustrations. This process maintains the original design in all the copies, while each one acquires a unique finish depending on the way in which the photosensitive emulsion was applied.

This work is part of a series of three editions of cyanotype that deal with the human being as a generator of different realities. Thus, in Mycelium, the inner human being is represented as the primordial and indispensable element of the reality generated by him, in the same way that mycelia are vital in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Thus, through this metaphor, in Mycelium the artist reminds us of the importance of our own inner self in generating our own reality. How it conditions us when it comes to relating to our environment, and how we project everything we carry inside us onto it.

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